Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" 1 Corinthians 10:31

I was struck by some good quotes from Oswald Chambers this morning: "Its one thing to go through a crisis grandly, yet quite another to go through every day glorifying God when there is no witness, no limelight, and no one paying even the remotest attention to us." And, "If you are properly devoted to the Lord Jesus, you have reached the lofty height where no one would ever notice you personally. All that is noticed is the power of God coming through you all the time."
The first quote just reminds me of the 'everyday-ness' of living the Christian life. We should be loving Him and serving Him and living for Him all day every day, even when nobody is watching. The best evidence of our faith is living this love out day to day. There are no kudos or rewards. No fanfare. No encouragement on some days. No pat on the back or 'way to go;' only the affirmation of that still, small voice, reminding us that 'this is the way.......walk in it.' Jesus is always with us, and He is noticing the small things we do because we love Him.
And the second, food for thought for those of us who struggle with our identity, comparing ourselves to others, or wanting recognition. It is a reminder that we need to become less as He becomes more. We should want to be known for the love of Christ working in our lives, not for any goodness in us or what we have done. It's all about Jesus. That kind of simplifies the issue of who we are, how we measure up to others or what kind of applause we get for our efforts. If it's all about Jesus, then all that matters is that we are found in Him, and we find ourselves and all of who we are, in Him. If it's all about Jesus, it doesn't matter if we are not as smart, organized, creative, funny, or social as the next person. We won't be comparing ourselves to those around us. We will be living for an audience of One. Only Jesus. And we will find out how He can use our strengths for His glory, and how he can work through our weaknesses so that He might show Himself strong in our lives.
It's all about Jesus.

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