Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bringing it all to Our Father (women of Faith, cont)

We LOVED Shiela Walsh! She was so authentic and open in her pursuit of Christ. She began her session after Marcus Buckingham had shared. She started with, "Yes, find our strength....and then Bring it all to Our Father! Am I giving 100% to God? All that I am and all that I have?
Shiela spoke of Mary and Martha and how they did not see why Jesus would be late when their brother was dying. The story is an example of how God is all-powerful and also all-loving.

Has Jesus interrupted your schedule? There are no coincidences. Instead of getting frustrated, ask God what He is teaching you in that moment. When God messes with your schedule, look for the miracle tucked within. ex. Lazarus' death John 11:1-6.

Jesus loved them and then waited 2 days--he didn't go to them immediately when he heard Lazarus was ill.

Lazarus dies and they put him in the tomb, and they were devastated.

John 11:9 shows us a correct response in walking with Jesus, "I am going nowhere until I get the green light from My Father." God will give peace that the time is now. Mary and Martha's response to Jesus was, "Where were you?"

Jesus was troubled.

All these troubles were never supposed to happen, never planned.

Jesus wept. You have never cried a tear that Jesus has not wept with you. What a Savior!

Jesus feels it deeply when we are suffering. Jesus tells Martha, "Trust me."
Jesus calls Lazarus: "It's this way out..."

Jesus never shows up too early or too late. He walks with us even when we don't understand why we are going though what we are going through and He will walk us all the way home on this journey.......and when we see him face to face, it will be worth it!!!!!!!