I had a friend call the other day. She was doubting her decision to Homeschool. I dug into my years'-worth experience with the subject and gave her my best shot. The Pipecleaner spider. When I pulled out my youngest son, Benjamin, from Kindergarten at our local Public school last fall, I had similar doubts. I knew in my heart that I wanted to school him at home, but somehow my head decided to argue with me. Sometime in October, I was at the school helping out in Amberly's class and I walked down the Kindergarten hallway. That's when I saw them. The 25 posterboards filled with cute googly-eyed, pipe-cleaner spiders! Then it hit me. Benjamin missed making these cute little guys. He wasn't there to make these adorable pipe-cleaner spiders. I felt a little bad. A little sad, maybe. Like maybe I had stolen something good from my boy?
I had to shake it off and re-think why we were homeschooling. That what I have to offer is different. And better. For this little boy, anyway. He gets to spend all day with mom. He gets to learn to read up on my bed. He prays and learns about Jesus in school, every day! He catches mommy and daddy's purpose in life, because he watches; he is with us. He plays with his brother and has friends over. He eats his meals at home and helps clean up the messes. He listens to good music and he goes to plays. He loves to listen to good stories read aloud. He is writing and memorizing. He is learning good habits. He gets to build forts during the day and play with marbles and blocks. He goes swimming sometimes for recess. His teacher-momma loves him and gives him all she's got. Take that, pipe-cleaner spider!!!!
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