Okay, I never would have imagined a chick flick could inspire so much stimulating conversation. Here is a snapshot of me and my friend Angie at dinner before seeing Eat, Pray, Love. We are celebrating my birthday, along with my friend Daryl's! Sweet to go out and celebrate with friends!!!!
What is it about this movie that draws women in? And why in the world are we thinking about it days later? I think it has something to do with the heart. Like Bridges of Madison County, or Sleepless in Seattle, or even Steel Magnolias; when you touch a girl's emotions, you are treading deep waters. Watch out!!
I am also guessing some man coined the old adage: "don't discuss religion or politics." Somehow he knew we would get too fired up. That's why a conversation about our feelings or our faith can be so intense. Because we feel strongly. And our feelings reflect our hearts.
Not to beat a dead horse with this contemporary movie craze, but it is the chosen template for discussion. I think we have found a new friend. Liz Gilbert. That's her name. The woman we met at Eat, Pray, Love. We liked her because she was real. She ate pizza. We didn't like her because she didn't embrace life where she was. She ran away from her life to "make" a new one. She went running in some direction to find herself, and to look for God. She wanted love; love for herself, love from God and the love of another person. She searched for forgiveness, because she felt so guilty for leaving her marriage; and guilty for leaving her subsequent love affair? She searched for peace, wanting to find a safe, quiet place where she could get away from her self-loathing and figure out how to love herself. And she opened herself up to "love" again; falling into a relationship with a man she felt she could trust. Now, let's talk to Liz. If she were my real life friend, sitting at my kitchen counter at midnight, first I would tell her how much I LOVE her highlights, and second, I would make sure we have a lot of time, because, GIRL, we need to talk!!!!
Where have you been? What are you running from? Yes, I know you are the girl who has always had a boyfriend since you were fifteen, and have never faced this life alone. You have defined yourself by what you looked like, what you wore, what boys thought of you. You decided your identity based on what your friends said you were. And now what makes you think you can be someone different?
......and forgiveness! Girlfriend, you left a perfectly suitable husband in the dust! You should feel bad. You broke your vows. You deeply injured someone that you loved. He may figure out someday how to forgive you, but how can you forgive yourself? Where will you find that power?
And, who do you think you are fooling in this quest for spirituality and religion all of the sudden. Your new little boyfriend really got you looking into some strange stuff this time!!! What are you looking for? Do you want help from God or do you just want to hear that YOU are OKAY. You are not that bad. You have the right to do whatever makes you happy. Do whatever feels good. There's no right or wrong with relationships. Go with it. Follow your heart. You want to hear that you are a good person and you are justified in doing what you have done.
First of all, the way you have always lost yourself in relationships with guys was just a cover up. You were searching for love and acceptance that you couldn't find anywhere. You wanted attention and affection. If a guy liked you, then you must have been good enough, right? Well, wrong. You were looking for prince charming in all those guys faces, including your husbands, but HE WAS NOT THERE.
Second, you found your value in what people thought of you. If you were pretty or funny or smart enough then you felt worthy. Your worth is not based on what any MAN or WOMAN thinks of you.
Third, you went searching for 'god' or 'truth' or some "way" of living that would bring you peace. Did you find it? Are you content now? Are your questions answered and have you found the direction in life that you were looking for? Do you now know your purpose? Are you settled with where you are in life and ready to embrace what role you have chosen for yourself? What if it doesn't work out with Mr. Handsome-Wounded-Lover and you end up unhappy again?
Yes. We have a LOT to talk about.