Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What is a Friend?

A friend is someone who knows you, flaws and all, and accepts you, and forgives you, and challenges you to be the woman God created you to be.

A friend is one who prays for you; she prays for God's will to be done in your life. She lifts you up before the throne of grace when your burdens are too heavy to bear.

A friend hugs and smiles and encourages. She celebrates with you and cries with you, and shares your hopes and dreams.

A friend laughs with you and has fun with you and makes happy memories.

A friend sticks by your side through thick and thin. She hurts when you hurt. She shares in your life, whatever is going on.

A friend points you to Jesus. She tells you what you need to hear even if it's not pretty. She speaks truth in love. She shows mercy and compassion. She is kind.

A friend never gives up. She is faithful and patient. She waits on the Lord.

A friend loves at all times.

A friend is a gift from God.

Thank you God, for my special friends.

Let me be the friend to others that you have made me to be.

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